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Pokémon GO
 Pokémon GO 8/10
6 years, 9 months ago
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6 years, 9 months ago
ape added 2 items to their collection
Ni no Kuni II -  Revenant Kingdom


Shadow of the Colossus

6 years, 10 months ago
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Games beaten in 2018 (7 games items)
6 years, 11 months ago
ape rated Legend
 Legend 7/10
7 years ago
Beat March 5, 2018 Legend is a 3D brawler released only in Europe...that alone made me think that this game would be trash. Most 3D brawlers wind up being pretty bad, and no offense to the folks in Europe, but there aren't many good Europe-exclusive releases on consoles from this timeframe (that I've played, anyway). Surprisingly, however, it's an okay game....though, very much on the easy side. Legend feels very much like what a 3D Golden Axe would have felt like...just with controls that aren't quite as smooth as one would hope for. Legend also has an " auto lock-on" option which usually helps in the brawling...but sometimes, it doesn't work properly, leaving you open as you begin attacking the wall behind you or a chest instead of an enemy. But complaints aside, this could have been a whole lot worse. Fans of brawlers will certainly find at least a few things to like here.
7 years ago
ape posted 31 images [View All]

7 years ago
Love Love Truck
Beat March 4, 2018 I bought Love Love Truck about 4 years ago...and I finally sat down and played it tonight. When I bought this game, I knew absolutely nothing about it...as ridiculous as it sounds, I just liked the box art. That box art mixed with the title of the game - I knew it had to be something weird. I like weird games. Love Love Truck is everything I hoped it would be - and it's the kind of Japanese game that I like...so weird that it would have never been released in North America. Basically, in Love Love Truck you pick two folks, one male and one female, and they get placed in a minecart. The minecart goes through five courses and during those five courses, it's up to you to grab items to make the pair fall in love. The pair I picked both liked food - the female, fruit (melons in particular) and the male, hamburgers. The fruit just needed to be picked up, but the burgers needed to be assembled, but in a correct order...so it's more than simply grabbing everything you can. Aside from picking up stuff, you also need to make fast choices to go left or right as well as avoid obstacles. Overall, it's actually a pretty well-made, but short game. I'm glad I have it in my library, but unless you like bizarre games as much as I do, you may not be as entralled with it as I am. It took me roughly 45 minutes to beat the game, so after that, most folks will be done. But, if you're interested in playing a weird, obscure Playstation One title, Love Love Truck fits that description.
7 years ago
ape posted 22 images [View All]

7 years ago
7 years ago
Nekketsu Oyako
Beat March 4, 2018 Nekketsu Oyako is a side-scrolling brawler, similar to Final Fight or Streets of Rage...but not as good as either series. Basically, you fight your way through the levels with a lot of repetitive enemies and eventually fight a boss at the end of the stage. In terms of brawlers, I feel like this one is WAY easier than average. I made my way through each level with relative ease...even beating some bosses without taking more than one or two hits. One boss was even juggled to death by me on accident thanks to the boomerang weapon, which I happened to throw at just the right time to make the boss juggle on it repeatedly, removing the remainder of his energy (over half of it) in the process. Anyway, if you like brawlers, you'll probably enjoy your time here...it's not a horrible game, but repetition of the enemies (the levels themselves are quite varied, in fairness) and iffy controls will turn some away.
7 years ago
ape posted 17 images [View All]

7 years ago
K-1 The Arena Fighters
Beat February 25, 2018 K-1 The Arena Fighters is not a good game...the controls feel delayed, the characters feel robotic, the computer can go from ridiculously easy to frustratingly cheap within a single fight, and there's not much here to keep you coming back for more if you manage to adapt to the previous complaints. That said, I still moderately enjoyed my time here...even with the game being as bad as it is, there's just something about knocking your opponent out after they whiffed with a punch or a kick. If the mechanics of the game had been tweaked to make everything play smoothly, this would have been a blast...instead it feels more like trying to get a marionette to box another marionette - absolutely terrible, but once you get used to controlling it, there may be at least a little fun to be had here.
7 years ago
ape posted 18 images [View All]

7 years ago
ape rated Owlboy
 Owlboy 8/10
7 years ago
Beat February 24, 2018 I played a lot of Owlboy...about a year ago. I got to the "final boss" and found out that there was more to the game...explored a bit, then got caught up in other stuff and never came back. Well, now I've gone back and finished it up. Owlboy is pretty fantastic. It looks like it'll be releasing (or maybe has already released...I have no clue, too lazy to check) on pretty much everything else now - PS4, Switch, etc. There's a reason it's being ported everywhere - it's very good. If you're interested in a platformer with more flying than platforming and a little bit of Metroidvania thrown in for good measure, then you'll probably enjoy this game. If that stuff doesn't interest you, then maybe get this when it goes on sale - you might be pleasantly surprised.
7 years ago
ape posted 18 images [View All]

7 years ago
Running Wild
Beat February 23, 2018 I always liked the concept of Running Wild - a racing game sans vehicles. Unfortunately, this racing game isn't that great. The controls are iffy, the tracks are mostly boring, and once you've played through the game, there isn't much reason to go back and do it again. There are much better racing games on the original Playstation to play, but if you've played through the Gran Turismos, Need for Speeds, Test Drives, etc, and want a different racing game to hold you over for an hour or so, then I guess it couldn't hurt to give Running Wild a chance.
7 years ago
ape posted 21 images [View All]

7 years ago
Phantasy Star II
Beat February 21, 2018 Phantasy Star II has always been a favorite of mine...but like many games, I'd only get so far then get sidetracked with something else. Well, no longer. Phantasy Star II, if it had more of an emphasis on the story, would probably be more commonly considered one of the best RPGs of the 16-bit generation of games...and while the story that's here is good (the ending is fantastic) it's not as fleshed out as most great RPGs are. I'm about to spoil some stuff, so stop reading now if you intend to play and want to be surprised......The main example is Nei. I liked Nei, but with a lack of character background, when she dies halfway through the game, there isn't that feeling of shock or sadness like with Aeris dies in Final Fantasy VII...but there could have been with enough emphasis on story. That aside, Phantasy Star II is a really good old-school RPG that can be tough as nails sometimes, and it can be easy to feel lost (Musik spell...grumble, grumble), but ultimately, it's quite good and it's nice to see a continuation of the original Phantasy Star story, 1,000 years in the future.
7 years ago
 Dynowarz: The Destruction of Spondylus
Beat February 18, 2018 Dynowarz isn't necessarily a difficult game...as long as you hit and run, you'll be fine. Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee, so to speak. Anyway, when you play through Dynowarz, the game will seemingly end abruptly. The final level is just like every other level, beating a mechanical dinosaur, then destroying the Mother Brain-like boss at the end of each level. No big boss fight to end in a bang...just the same formula to end the game in a wimper. I loved this game as a kid, rented it a bunch from the local video store, and I like to use it as an example of how childhood games can seem awesome as a kid, but when you get older and understand what makes a good game, it's not quite what you remember. But anyway, after all of these years, Dynowarz has been beaten. Yay.
7 years ago
ape posted 12 images [View All]

7 years ago
7 years ago
ape added 2 items to Games I've Beaten At Least Once list
Star Fox
Super C (Super Contra)

7 years ago
ape posted 23 images [View All]

7 years ago
ape added 4 items to their collection
Summon Night 6: Lost Borders


Tokyo Tattoo Girls


Ever Oasis


Bravely Second: End Layer

7 years ago
Phantasy Star
Beat February 4, 2018 Since I finished Final Fantasy II (IV) rather quickly, I thought I'd be able to do the same for the original Phantasy Star...While I have no doubt that a speed run of Phantasy Star will go very fast...like maybe 3-4 hours at most...I have never played this game through to the end, and I forgot that most early RPGs lack much direction. As a result, I spent quite a bit of time wandering around, sometimes knowing where I was going, and other times, just winding up in the right spot thanks to dumb luck. Other times, still, I'd be in the right place, but lacking a key item to advance. While this will no doubt be frustrating for some, I actually enjoyed it. I like to explore in games, and without direction, you have no choice but to explore. But anyway, Phantasy Star, I believe, is the first RPG of its kind in North America, beating Dragon Quest to the market by a year (though it was the opposite in Japan, with Dragon Quest beating Phantasy Star by a year) and while I love Dragon Quest, Phantasy Star is definitely a more polished game. If you like older RPGs, Phantasy Star is well worth checking out.
7 years ago
ape added 2 items to Games I've Beaten At Least Once list
Wrestle War

7 years, 1 month ago

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