"indeed. i knew the game would be awful, but i was hoping for at least an hour or two of bad. it's not the worst game i've played, but it's probably in the top 50....sounds like a list idea for sometim"
"neat list idea. :) i actually build circuit boards for a living, so it's kind of cool to see what kind of boards are in those systems."
"the castle is mostly the same, based on memory, but some extra rooms have been added so that a few of the upside-down castle bosses are in the normal castle. and i haven't tried it, but i believe that"
"i can't believe that i forgot james pond. i'll add him soon. i'll also likely add blinx and parappa down the line, too...or at least one of the characters from parappa if not parappa himself. gracias "
"chicken run was a game based off of a movie, so i skipped it. i was going to add frogger, but decided on chrono trigger's frog instead. and i might toss king koopa/bowser on sometime down the road. th"
"i've heard about red seeds profile, but i haven't played it yet. i do have the 360 version of deadly premonition, but again, haven't played it yet. i plan on playing it soon. if i like the 360 version"
"as a follow-up to my earlier comment, i've added final fantasy anthology due to it being the first north american release of final fantasy v. but, i left final fantasy chronicles off the list since bo"
"i skipped over final fantasy anthology and chronicles by habit...i usually don't include compilations in my 'top' lists since it's multiple games. but, since i've got the arc the lad collection on her"
"if it's bad, i'll probably love my time playing it. i like horrible games. they're fun to write about when i'm done. :) mirror's edge i've briefly played...but not long enough to give it a score. tom"
"thanks. it wasn't too hard for me to remember what i beat...it was harder to try and put it in chronological order based on first game beaten to last."
"you could also include the games from the legacy of kain series if you're looking for more. :) suikoden and suikoden II could also be added to the list. there's a vampire called 'neclord' in those gam"
"i've seen (and own) a lot of the bad horror films you listed like 'gingerdead man' and 'monsturd'....but 'terror at blood fart lake' sounds absolutely breathtaking. i thank you for opening my eyes to "
"yeah hehe. it took me a while to get into the master system. never had one as a kid and never knew anyone who had one, either. but it had some good, solid titles and i'm quite glad that i eventually p"
"I'll eventually have more. Unfortunately, most two-disc games are RPG's that take hours upon hours before the disk switch happens. But rest assured, this list isn't forgotten, it just may take a while"