ape added Star Ocean: Integrity and Faithlessness to owned list
8 years, 8 months ago
ape added 1 item to Games I've Beaten At Least Once list

8 years, 9 months ago
ape added 1 item to Games I've Beaten At Least Once list

8 years, 9 months ago
8 years, 9 months ago
ape added 1 item to Games I've Beaten At Least Once list

8 years, 9 months ago
ape added 1 item to Single Playthrough Times list
8 years, 9 months ago
ape added 1 item to Games of 2011 - ranked by preference list

Release Date: March 31, 2011 (JP) Publisher: D3 Publisher Developer: Tamsoft Genre: Action - BrawlerHere in North America, we got two of the Onechanbara games - Bikini Zombie Slayers and Bikini Samurai Squad. Both were games that definitely had flaws, but had enough B movie charm within them that they won me over and became guilty pleasures to pop in every now and then for some mindless zombie hack-n-slash action. Onechanbara Special is much of the same in that regard. You'll definitely find plenty of flaws when you play, but if you're a fan of cheesy, B-movie goodness that you'd see from studios like Troma, the cheesiness and weirdness of it all could potentially win you over. The gameplay itself is okay and passable, but it does get repetitive very quickly. In that regard, it's perfect for a handheld as you can play a little bit every now and then instead of playing in one, giant block. But anyway, if you've played and enjoyed any of the previous games, you'll love having this on the go. If you weren't impressed with the previous games, there's nothing here that will make you change your mind.
8 years, 10 months ago
ape added 1 item to Games of 2010 - ranked by preference list

Release Date: March 30, 2010 (NA) Publisher: Tecmo Developer: Team Ninja Genre: ActionDead or Alive Xtreme Beach Volleyball was fun back when it released on the original Xbox. The sequels, however, have dropped in quality. Dead or Alive Paradise is the newest addition to that franchise and geez louise, it makes you feel like a perverted creep for playing it. First off, boob physics - Team Ninja does not understand that the mounds of flesh on the chest of women do not flap around in the wind like a flag. Nor do they constantly have muscle spasms under them to make them jiggle all over the place at all times. The gameplay involves volleyball, running across a pool on blocks, participating in photoshoots, giving gifts, and exploring the island...And much of it makes you feel like you're quite the creepster for participating. There IS some good to be found here - the volleyball is still fun, for example...but there's not enough good to outweigh the bad. Unless you want to play a game where women's breasts seemingly have a mind of their own, there's not much reason to play this.
8 years, 10 months ago
ape added 1 item to Games of 2009 - ranked by preference list

Release Date: December 9, 2009 (AS) Publisher: Atlus Developer: SNK Playmore Genre: Shooter - 3rd PersonWhile I enjoyed my time playing Metal Slug XX, this may be the weakest game in the Metal Slug series. I'd have to play through the rest of the games in the franchise again to make sure, but it just didn't seem to quite have the charm of the other games...even when riding an ostrich with big guns attached to it. With unlimited continues, it also loses some of the reason to keep playing...you can beat it in less than an hour. But, as I said, I still enjoyed my time playing this, and it's well worth the purchase for fans of the series.
8 years, 10 months ago
ape added 1 item to Third-Person Shooters - ranked by preference list

Release Date: December 9, 2009 (AS) Publisher: Atlus Developer: SNK Playmore Genre: Shooter - 3rd PersonWhile I enjoyed my time playing Metal Slug XX, this may be the weakest game in the Metal Slug series. I'd have to play through the rest of the games in the franchise again to make sure, but it just didn't seem to quite have the charm of the other games...even when riding an ostrich with big guns attached to it. With unlimited continues, it also loses some of the reason to keep playing...you can beat it in less than an hour. But, as I said, I still enjoyed my time playing this, and it's well worth the purchase for fans of the series.
8 years, 10 months ago
ape added 1 item to Brawlers - ranked by preference list

Release Date: March 31, 2011 (JP) Publisher: D3 Publisher Developer: Tamsoft Genre: Action - BrawlerHere in North America, we got two of the Onechanbara games - Bikini Zombie Slayers and Bikini Samurai Squad. Both were games that definitely had flaws, but had enough B movie charm within them that they won me over and became guilty pleasures to pop in every now and then for some mindless zombie hack-n-slash action. Onechanbara Special is much of the same in that regard. You'll definitely find plenty of flaws when you play, but if you're a fan of cheesy, B-movie goodness that you'd see from studios like Troma, the cheesiness and weirdness of it all could potentially win you over. The gameplay itself is okay and passable, but it does get repetitive very quickly. In that regard, it's perfect for a handheld as you can play a little bit every now and then instead of playing in one, giant block. But anyway, if you've played and enjoyed any of the previous games, you'll love having this on the go. If you weren't impressed with the previous games, there's nothing here that will make you change your mind.
8 years, 10 months ago
ape added 1 item to Games I've Beaten At Least Once list

8 years, 10 months ago