"I actually have the complete set of the first .hack games and I've been wanting to give 'em a try. A lot of action RPGs I consider to be more in the adventure game genre than the RPG genre, but there"

"The second Persona 2, Eternal Punishment, will likely be on here soon as I'm plowing through that game, taking screens and the like....Aside from that, the other SMT games will be scattered around on "

"The only one I played was Mario's Picross on the original Game Boy. I liked it and I thought it was well-made. It'll find its way on here once I play it again...But with how unpredictable my gaming ch"

"It'll be on here eventually, and will either be near or at number one. I actually had to have 2 memory card saves for that game. One for current wrestlers and one for wrestlers from the territory days"

"I'm glad to see V so high. I always felt that was one of the more under-appreciated Final Fantasy games, sandwiched between IV and VI, which seem to get all the hype."

"This list has my thoughts on X-Men: Mutant Academy along with the other games on this list...I'll just say that the screenshot on here was a perfect victory on the final boss...And on my way to that b"

"Gracias, sir. Gave it a download. I'll play it eventually...Just don't hold your breath. I tend to procrastinate. :)"

"A year and a half later, I finally updated it. Hopefully, I can keep up with it and not let it sit for months like last time."

"I technically have gardening games in the Harvest Moon series, but I don't consider it a sport. :)"

"I love personal preference lists like these, especially when I can read the fond memories you've had of the items in the list. Great job on it, by the way. :)"

"I'd have to look up release dates to be sure, but I believe that Rayman and Tomb Raider were released on the Saturn and Playstation at the same time, kind of like how some 360 and PS3 games are today."

"Some creativity outlet-type games you might consider for the list: RPG Maker series - The game itself is a tool to create your own RPGs to share with friends. Fighter Maker series - Just like RPG Make"

"I think Frogger Pinball has a free edition...But it's a limited version of the paid one. I think. I looked at it the other day but didn't get it, so I'm guessing that's why I didn't...My memory is hor"

"I think those might be the only Metal Gear games at number one...Until I do the MSX list, anyway. I promise the other numero unos will be more varied...Like snowflakes. Or hobo hair."

"I'll look into Aquaria. I've been on a downloading tear since making this list...Just scouring the iTunes store for odd and obscure games that happen to be free, at least at the time of download. So, "

"The main difference between the original Shin Megami Tensei games and the Persona series is that in Shin Megami Tensei, your party consists of yourself and the demons that you recruit and/or fuse toge"

"Destruction Debery 1/2 : I was rather disappointed by the 2nd one. Even though it looked better, the 1st one (one of my alltime favorite as well) had a better gameplay, in my opinion. My view could be"

"I'll look into those. If they're free, they'll be downloaded without hesitation. If not, it may depend on the price and/or how interesting it looks to me. In fact, I'll look into 'em right now. EDIT:"

"RAGE should also get a mention on this list as well, in my opinion. Good list, son. Honestly, I got Rage a few months back. It was free due to some sale....But I haven't played it yet. I've heard good"

"The dog never bothered me...Probably because while he laughed at me, I had a gun in my hand and could freely shoot at him on the screen. The game might not react to it, but my imagination was all I ne"

"Maybe some minor graphical differences, due to the power of the PS3 and 360 compared to the Vita, but I've never been too keen on noticing stuff like that. But from what I noticed and read, even the u"

"So, are you trying to say that zebras are gay, or just homosexual? This was weird! They are gay homosexuals, which isn't a big deal. The big deal is that they won't admit it. I visit a zoo at least "

"I love personal lists like these, especially when there's personal comments to go along with each entry on the list. Good job, sir. Have a vote."

"Yup. There are a few Listal exclusives that I've posted as well. So, I'm considering making a new list, mostly for my own reference, of reviews I've posted here already...In fact, I'll go make it now "

"Hope you have had the chance to play Fable 3 the same way! Not yet. I have Fable III, but haven't had an opportunity to play it yet. I look forward to when I get the chance to, though. EDIT: Played "

"Thanks for adding my list here, Mr. Happy Vader, and thanks to Mr. Pumpkinate as well for suggesting that it be added. It's an honor to be added to this fine list."

"Yup, that's why I went with the 3DS. Once I get to systems like the NES and the original Playstation, I've got a monster of a task ahead of me. Plus, there's the PS3 list I've had up for years...Sho"